To Fast What We Owe

To Fast What We Owe


Ayatollah Khamenei
Ayatollah Khamenei

To Fast What We Owe
69. A person does not know whether or not he has missed a fast, can he fast intending what he owes/what is required [mā fī al-dhimmah]; i.e. intend qaḍā’ fast if any; otherwise to be considered as a mustaḥabb fast?
A: Yes, he may intend to fast like that.

70. I fasted one month or so intending qaḍā’ fast if any; otherwise to be considered for the proximity to Allah in general. Is it considered as qaḍā’ of my missed fasts?
A: If you intended what you were required at the time fasting, whether qaḍā’ or mustaḥabb, and performed fast while you owed some qaḍā’ fasts, it is considered as qaḍā’ fast

Source: Hadana adopted from the Istiftaat of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei

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