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How to Intend Fasting
Like all other worships, fasting should be accompanied by intention, i.e. one's refraining from eating, drinking, and all other fast invalidators should be motivated by obedience to Allah's order. Just such an aim is sufficient and there is no…
Fasting Definition
Fasting Definition
Fasting Definition
1. Fasting in Islam is to refrain from eating, drinking, etc. — which will be discussed later in details — the whole day (from fajr until maghrib) in order to obey the Allah's order.
The heart is Allah’s shrine
الامام الصادق عليه السلام:
القلب حرم الله، و لا تسکن حرم الله غیر الله.
جامع الاخبار، ص 518
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him):
"The heart is Allah's shrine, so do not allow other than Allah to dwell in Allah's shrine."
Jami'al-akhbar, p…
Four lessons by Lady Fatima Zahra for humanity
We should make greater efforts . Lessons to be learned from the life of Siddiqat al-Taherah, Fatima Zahra (as), involve making great efforts, showing diligence, and leading a pure life;--just as that great personality, the manifestation of…