To eat Prefast Food after Morning Adhān

Ayatollah Khamenei
Ayatollah Khamenei

Fast Invalidators

Eating and Drinking


To eat Prefast Food after Morning Adhān

 Nowadays, one uses his clock/watch to regulate daily works and in the cities, due to tall buildings, one cannot see the fajr phenomenon. Taking this fact into consideration, is the fast valid in the two following cases: A person wakes up and starts eating as the clock shows four o’clock, which is before morning adhān, then he comes to know the clock was not working and actually it was after morning adhān? The same thing happens but because one’s eye makes a mistake while looking at the clock?

A: In both cases, if one relies on the clock and is sure that it is before adhān but comes to know otherwise, his fast —if it occurs in Ramadan month — is valid.

Source: Hadana adopted from the Istiftaat of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei

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