Intending Mustaḥabb Fast instead of an Obligatory One  

Intending Mustaḥabb Fast instead of an Obligatory One


Ayatollah Khamenei
Ayatollah Khamenei

Intending Mustaḥabb Fast instead of an Obligatory One
61. If a person, not knowing the number of fasts missed, performs fasts with the intention of performing a recommended fast believing that he is not liable to any qaḍā’ , does this fasting count as qaḍā’  for missed fasts while he is liable to qaḍā’  of some fasts?
A: The fasts kept with the intention of recommended fasting do not count as qaḍā’ for fasts one is liable to perform.

62. A person passed away while was responsible to perform qaḍā’ of some fasts, can his elder son perform a mustaḥabb fast?
A: There is no objection to it.

Source: Hadana adopted from the Istiftaat of the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei

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